Weight Loss Surgery is more than an operation
Weight loss surgery is more than just an operation. It is a journey. A journey that we can help you through. Our goal is to help you transform your weight loss goals into reality, and we do that using two great tools. The gastric plication the adjustable gastric band (LAP-BAND®), and the gastric sleeve (Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy). We know these tools well; we can teach you how to use these tools to help you lose weight and keep it off.
We understand that once you have chosen to have weight loss surgery you want the best possible surgeon. We are honored to have been selected by more Arizonans for their LAP-BAND® and Gastric plication surgery, than any other practice in Arizona.
It is more than just an operation—it is the start of a journey. The reason more people in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tucson and the rest of Arizona choose our practice is because of results. Why? Because our practice is dedicated to helping you change your lifestyle – because no matter what weight loss surgery you have, after five years the results are the same- what is the difference? The difference is your lifestyle. We spend more time teaching patients what to eat and how to cook than we do operating.
If you lost weight wouldn’t you be better able to enjoy life? Is there a better investment you can make than in your own body? Buy clothes off the rack, enjoy sitting in an airline seat, play with your kids. Choosing the surgery is the start of the process – we can help you with the rest of your journey.
Diets don’t work as well as weight loss surgery. Over 90 percent of people who diet regain their weight and usually gain more. Clinical studies show how effective the sleeve, plication, and band are. Even for patients who need to lose as little as 50 pounds, the LAP-BAND® is a safe, effective weight loss solution.
But the key is this: we have done every modern weight loss surgery: the gastric sleeve, the duodenal switch, the Roux-N-Y, the Lap-Band, and Plication. After five years- they are the same, and success is by how lifestyle is changed. We love to help you change. Our Weight Loss Fest is based around helping you change your lifestyle for the operation.
Below you’ll see Dr. Simpson performing a cooking demonstration. One of his goals is to help patients cook for themselves and learn how to eat after weight loss surgery.