Nutrition is a key feature of weight loss surgery—we believe that the band should be the beginning of a healthy lifestyle. Eating less junk food may reduce calories, but it is not healthy.
We celebrate good, healthy food in our practice—in fact, we have dinner out—called “Dinner with the Doc” where we go to fine restaurants in town and learn about eating healthy and well after the band.
We believe in home cooking, not restaurant eating – and we back this up with our website. Now we have a site where we show you how to cook, how to eat- and some healthy alternatives. Come to that site — as well as our fan page on Facebook — Your Doctors Orders.
Jineane Ford is now helping us– Jineane had her lap band done in 2006 and she has lost 50 pounds and kept them off. As a former news anchor, former Miss USA, and now restaurant owner– she will show you how to make some good healthy choices and enjoy your lap band.