Low Carb Diets: The Dangers
Description: Terry Simpson, MD. describes glycogen loss on low-carb diets. It not only is responsible for the rapid weight loss, which isn’t fat loss, but why people feel so miserable on them and crave sugars. The danger of those diets on your brain and your heart.
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Feeling Full
Description: Feeling full is not a normal response- but one people want. Here is how it works with the band and the sleeve and how you can over come it.
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Increasing Activity
Description: Increasing Activity – that is what this lifestyle change is all about. Most patients before surgery are as active as a rock- but lets change that. Here are a few simple, but effective, things you can do without joining a gym. Plus, we want you to get an activity monitor.
Increasing Activity - Download This Episode
Why Some Foods Get Stuck in the Lapand
Description: A number of foods can get stuck in a Lap-Band: white doughy bread, sticky white rice, sticky pasta, stringy vegetables, skins of fruits, over cooked meats, and eggs. Here is why they get stuck and some tips about how to prepare them so they won’t.
Avoid Foods Getting Stuck - Download This Episode
If Food Gets Stuck in the Lapband
Description: Every now and then food gets stuck in the band – this podcast is about what to do if that happens. How to handle it. So listen to this – DON’T TRY TO FORCE FOOD OUT WITH WATER.
What to Do if Food Gets Stuck - Download This Episode
Restaurant Tips
Description: We all go out to restaurants – here are a few tips about restaurants to make your time pleasurable without eating too much junk.
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Airports, Travel and Traps
Description: If you travel you might want to consider getting ready – most airports have lousy food, and because of TSA – most people spend more time at the airport than they want. Here are a few tips to help.
Travel & Weight Loss - Download This Episode
The LapBand
Description: A brief introduction to the Lap-Band, how it works, and the lifestyle you need to live with the band.
About the Lap-band - Download This Episode
Why the Gastric Sleeve
Description: The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) also called The Sleeve, is a relatively new operation and many surgeons like it. Some patients who are not happy with their Lap-Band have converted over to the sleeve. The sleeve works at two levels to help patients lose weight.
Why the Gastric Sleeve - Download This Episode
Alton Brown and Making a Food List
Description: If you follow the food network you may have noticed that Alton Brown has lost weight, and kept it off since 2009. He did this not by “diet” but by making food lists. Listen to how he did it, and consider this as a way you might plan your own weight loss.
Power of Making a Food List - Download This Episode