Let us start out by being very candid — the body you imagine you want can only be had with two important components — the first is weight loss — and the band is our best tool. The second is exercise.
Many of you have spent time and money on losing weight and find the result not being exactly what you wanted. You not only want to be thin, you want to be firm. The only solution for you is exercise. Even body sculpting surgery will not supply a firm body. Many of you were in the position of being overweight partly because you ate too much of the wrong foods. Being overweight means it becomes more difficult to exercise. Many were fit much earlier in life when it was easy. They forgot how much of a commitment it is and expect it to be as easy as it was…before they really got out of shape.
I’ll make no bones about it. This is an uphill battle that can only be won over the long run. Many of you have been beaten time and time again. You know you just can’t do it and you really want to. This writing is about what people like you must do to start and maintain an aerobic program. It is geared for working out on an elliptical machine but will also apply to jogging or running. I do not recommend jogging or running on a treadmill because of the inherent danger of falling and being thrown off. Although exercise may appear very tedious, time consuming or even scary for some, it plays a very important role as your body experiences lots of changes.
You must have known someone that has the discipline to exercise on a continuous basis. They may have talked to you about it, typically by telling you that they are busy on a particular day or hour because they have to workout. It is a facet of living that many people just can’t bring into their lives. You may be one of those people that just can not sustain an exercise discipline no matter how hard you try. You may trivialize it as an easy thing anyone can do, something that requires little thought. But for some reason you just can’t bring yourself to do it for an extended time. First of all you must mentally position yourself to do exercise.
Fitness is ritual….NOT pleasure
This is THE mantra for anyone who desires to make fitness part of their life. Seeking to derive pleasure from physical exercise is the biggest mistake a person can make when trying to build the discipline to exercise into your life. Why is that? A tremendous high can result from artificially solving lifelong issues. Then reality sets in because the issue is only tenuously resolved within the mind and some unconsidered factor or desire comes to mind or an additional outside event related to the core issue occurs crashing the resolution. Depression always ensues after such a crash. Each time the cycle occurs the disparity between the high of the artificial resolution and the low of the depression can become larger and larger consuming the victim at a larger and larger scale over time. With the band you can solve one part of your excess weight — but to get the body you want you will have to develop and sustain a ritual of exercise. You have probably discovered that exercise alone is not enough — and it becomes discouraging — but, as with the band, weight loss and becoming fit is something for the long run. Not the short term.
Exercise is a long-term gain, exercise will yield a positive resolution over time. In fact it only works over time. People frequently become conditioned to believe that long-run solutions don’t work. They want a quick fix — like a diet instead of a lifestyle change. Much like the band, something that works over the long-term , Exercise requires a ritualistic state that must exist at least two years for its true benefit to be realized.
People either make exercise way too hard or way too easy. There is a middle-ground path that you must learn how to see and follow in order for you to succeed. You must learn how to control your thinking relative to exercising. You must know that unlike most issues in life this one is only resolvable over the long run. You must never learn to never expect anything from your exercise. It is in fact really not resolvable nor does it ever deliver a comprehendible presence of any magnitude. Why is that? Because your comprehension of being fit alters as you become fit.
Einstein didn’t think he was intelligent, because as his intellect expanded so did his ability to comprehend how much there is to know. Exercise works the same way. As you become fit, you become more aware of higher standards of fitness. Identifying yourself in the scale of being fit can be the cause of depression that will cause you to quit – like a diet that doesn’t work. Exercise is like the band– it is something for a lifetime that works with the band to give you the body and health you need. You must not think about a future state of fitness you want to obtain. You must only think of physical motion in the moment. You must develop sets of physical motion without setting a goal of obtainment. You just do it as a ritual. You don’t think about the time involved. You don’t become over exhilarated. You just do it.
Maintenance through proper exercise and training will not only help your body adjust to the physical changes but will help your body to become fit and ready for other tasks you may face afterwards. Our exercise component was designed specifically for weight loss patients.